------------ H o v e d v æ r k e r ------------
Rogers, Carl (1942)
Counseling and Psychotherapy: Newer Concepts in Practice
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Rogers, Carl (1951)
Client-Centered Therapy
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Rogers, Carl (1957)
The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change
Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 2.
Rogers, Carl (1959)
A Theory of Therapy, Personality, and Interpersonal Relationships as Developed in the Client-Centered Framework
In E. Koch red): Psychology: A Study of a Science, Vol. 3, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Rogers, Carl (1967)
On becoming a person
Constable, London.
Rogers, Carl (1969)
Freedom to Learn: a View of What Education Might Become
Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill.
Rogers, Carl (1970)
Carl Rogers on Encounter Groups
New York: Harper and Row.
Rogers, Carl (1972)
Becoming Partners: Marriage and its Alternatives
New York: Delacorte Press.
Rogers, Carl (1977)
Carl Rogers on Personal Power
New York: Delacorte Press.
Rogers, Carl (1980)
A Way of Being
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
------------ A r t i k l e r ------------
Nutidig serie af artikelsamlinger om kernebetingelserne
Wyatt, Gill (ed), (2001): Rogers’ Therapeutic Conditions
1. Congruence
2. Empathy
3. Unconditional Positive Regard
4. Contact and Perception
PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye, UK
------------ F o r s k n i n g ------------
Den tidlige forskning
(Faktisk den første forskning på psykoterapiens område, overhovedet, så vidt vides.)
Rogers, C. & Dymond, R. (eds.) (1954)
Psychotherapy and Personality Change
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
------------ P r a k s i s r e l a t e r e t ------------
Specielt om person-centreret kontakt med mennesker med svære sindslidelser, udviklingshæmning og demens
Rogers, C., Gendlin, E., Kiesler, D. & Truax, C. (1967)
The Therapeutic Relationship With Schizophrenics
Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
Prouty, Garry (1994)
Theoretical Evolutions in Person-Centered/Experiential Therapy: Applications to Schizophrenic and Retarded Psychoses
Westport: Praeger.
Pörtner, Marlis (2000)
Trust and Understanding. The Person-Centred Approach to everyday care for people with special needs
PCCS Books: Ross-on-Wye, UK.
Prouty, Garry, Pörtner, Marlis, and van Werde, Dion (2002)
Pre-Therapy: Reaching Contact-impaired Clients
PCCS Books: Ross-on-Wye, UK.
------------ O m C C T / P C A ------------
Rogers, Carl (1962)
"The Interpersonal Relationship: The Core of Guidance"
I: Harvard Educational Review, vol. 34(4).
Braaten, Leif J. (1967)
Klient Sentrert Rådgivning
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.
Evans, Richard I. (1975)
Carl Rogers: The man and his ideas
Clarke, Irvin and Company Limited.
Rognes, Waldemar (1979)
Carl Rogers
Kirschenbaum & Henderson (1990)
The Carl Rogers Reader
Constable, London.
Thorne, Brian (1992)
Carl Rogers
Sage Publications.
Brazier, David (1993)
Beyond Carl Rogers
Constable, London.
Farber, Brink and Raskin (1996)
The psychotherapy of Carl Rogers
The Guilford Press.
Mearns, Dave & Thorne, Brian (1998)
Person-centred counselling in practice
Sage Publications.
Mearns, Dave & Thorne, Brian (2000)
Person-centred therapy today
Sage Publications.
Sommerbeck, Lisbeth (2003)
The Client-Centred Therapist in Psychiatric Contexts
- a therapists' guide to the psychiatric landscape and its habitants
PCCS Books
Sommerbeck, Lisbeth (2004)
Klientcentreret Terapi i Psykiatrien
Akademisk Forlag
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